
I get enough requests for student referrals from potential employers that it seems like I should put together a standard polite response to them. This is that polite response.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), of which Cornell is a member, publishes a Faculty Guide to Ethical and Legal Standards in Student Hiring. According to this guide, it is recommended that we redirect requests for student referrals to Cornell Career Services so that it can be posted openly for qualified candidates. Given that Cornell makes it free to employers to post full-time jobs, internships, and summer positions for current students and recent grads (up to five years out), this seems like the best strategy both for me and for any employers who might want to hire my students. Also, Career Services has people who help match people with opportunities, schedule interviews, etc. In any event, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) does not generally allow my to disclose student information outside Cornell without prior consent of the student, so the best I can do is to advertise, and Career Services is generally better at advertising such things than I am.

Also, if you want to hire our top students, get a head start. Many of our top undergraduates have jobs lined up by the end of the fall semester.


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