Topics in Julia

I learned about Julia when it was first announced in early 2012. Despite knowing and respecting some of the names behind it, and despite several friends ribbing me about a new numerical language that shared a name with my daughter, I took a wait-and-see attitude at first. But I kept an eye on Julia, and I saw as many positive signs as I saw hyped stories. A community formed, and people other than the language designers started writing packages. It picked up the ability to call Python, and with that the ability to access the marvelous Matplotlib library. And the numerical folks at MIT had started using it for classes. So by Fall 2013, I was ready to give Julia a try myself.

This spring, I taught CS 5220: Applications of Parallel Computers, a master-level course on high-performance scientific computing. As in past offerings of the class, I gave a few conventional assignments in which students were to tune a base serial code that I gave them, then parallelize the code using MPI or OpenMP. And as in past offerings, most of the assignments involved standard numerical kernels or simulation methods. But every time I offer this course, I try to give at least one assignment with a less classically numerical feel, and at least one assignment with a different style of parallelism. This semester, I satisfied both these desiderata by having the students write a topic mining algorithm in Julia. I figured this would be a good way to test the claim that it is straightforward to write code with good performance in Julia. In the end, I think I figured correctly.

As with the other assignments, I started off by providing the students with a base code and a data set of Yelp reviews that was kindly provided to me by David Mimno and Moontae Lee. The students had two main tasks:

  1. Replace a nonnegative least squares routine (an active set algorithm) that I provided with a faster, if less accurate, exponentiated gradient solver.
  2. Parallelize the almost-embarrassingly-parallel part of the code

My first surprise came when I started implementing the base code. I’d done one previous programming exercise in Julia, when I wrote the HTCondor cluster manager over the winter break; I figured we would need this for the class anyhow, and that was a good enough excuse. But this was the first time I had done any numerical programming in Julia, and I expected to spend a bit of time stumbling around in the dark before I figured out what I was doing. As it happened, I wrote the code almost as I would write Matlab code, and with surprisingly little debugging effort. The greatest difficulty I had was not with the language, but with choosing the parameters in the exponentiated gradient algorithm in order to get acceptable performance. I was sufficiently concerned about the correctness of my own implementation that I decided to write the active set routine, even though that was not part of the original plan. And at the end of writing both routines, cleaning up the parts that I thought might be confusing, and adding some commentary, I already felt fairly comfortable with Julia.

My second surprise came before I posted the assignment: my Julia code processed the Yelp data set in a couple seconds, fast enough that I was concerned that my students would not be able to get much parallel speedup. So I added some pointers to a few larger data sets, as well as some code to process those data sets.

My third surprise came after I posted the assignment: with a little fiddling, my active set solver was running faster than my own exponentiated gradient solver (on which I’d admittedly spent less time and effort), at least when we were trying to learn a small number of topics. This left me doubly concerned, since the assignment indicated that it should be easy for the students to beat my performance with the alternative solver. Fortunately, while a few students did indeed need reassurances, other students did a better job at tuning the exponentiated gradient code than I had, and got the expected performance gains.

When the students really engaged with the assignment, they did about what I thought they might do. Most got the basic algorithm working and managed at least some parallel speedup, and some managed to significantly improve the performance of the base code that I provided. In the process, though, they ran into issues that I probably would not have stumbled across in quite some time. In no particular order, the ones that come to mind are:

Documentation. The biggest complaint among the students was the lack of clear documentation of some important language features. In particular, the students were not that happy with the documentation on how Julia handles parallelism. Several students also looked up the documentation for the wrong version of the language, which didn’t help matters any. Also, there are few enough examples online that many students still felt in the dark after spending some quality time with Google.

Version differences. I installed the most recent pre-release of Julia 0.3 on the cluster. Several students used Julia 0.2 on their laptops. The language is evolving fast enough that there were differences between these releases that caused some woe. Perhaps the most memorable real difference had to do with elementwise subtraction of vectors, which could be done with - or .- operators. Ordinary subtraction was deprecated in Julia 0.3, and at least one group ran into a tremendous slowdown on the cluster (compared to their laptop) because of the I/O overhead associated with Julia warning them millions of times that they should now use .- instead of -.

Parallel profiling. Most of the class settled on the same types of spawn-and-fetch strategies for parallelizing the main loop that I asked them to tackle. But none of us were able to get great insight into the parallel overheads by any mechanism other than careful manual instrumentation with timers.

JIT overhead. The first time it invokes a function, Julia uses a Just-In-Time compiler to compile the routine down to machine code. The JIT compilation takes some time, and unless one wants to measure that time, it’s important to run the code twice and time the second trial. I told the students about this, but many of them ignored me. That in itself is no surprise; what is more surprising is how much variance the students discovered in the JIT time. One group in particular was puzzled at an apparent 2x slowdown in their parallel code that turned out to be entirely due to the JIT processing their parallel code more slowly than their serial code.

Vectors and array slices. For the most part, Julia’s performance conformed to my mental model. But one student group pointed out something that surprised me. They saw significant speedups by copying a column of a matrix into a temporary vector, operating on that temporary vector in place, and then copying the results back. I always just operated on the column of the matrix in place. Given that Julia is column-oriented, so that the storage layout should be the same in both cases, I’m still a bit confused about why their approach improved performance so much.

OpenMP and OpenBLAS. Somewhat to our surprise, setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable significantly changed the performance of some students’ serial codes. The really surprising aspect of this is that it didn’t seem to matter whether the variable was set to 1 or to 8 (the number of cores on the cluster nodes). Just setting it to something made a difference. We compiled Julia to use OpenBLAS, which is capable of running in multi-threaded mode for serial codes, though that should be turned off when Julia is running several local worker processes. But I still don’t understand why it would run more faster when the number of threads is explicitly set to the number of threads it ought to choose anyhow (either one or the number of cores).

I was happy that most of the students were able to use the profiler and make some sense of its output. Many did not figure out the how to fix the bottlenecks that the profiler revealed, but as often as not this was a matter of how they were thinking about the algorithm and not how they were using the Julia language. The student codes were, as always, of varying quality; but they mostly submitted code that was free of major performance gaffes.

Most of the students said nothing about their feelings on Julia in the assignment reports, though I know from conversations in office hours that several were frustrated from running into what they saw as incomplete or undocumented corners of the language. Perhaps I’ll read more about this when the course evaluations come in.


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